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Hidden Empire (Empire #2) Hardcover | Pages: 336 pages
Rating: 3.64 | 3409 Users | 322 Reviews

Mention Books Concering Hidden Empire (Empire #2)

Original Title: Hidden Empire
ISBN: 0765320045 (ISBN13: 9780765320049)
Edition Language: English
Series: Empire #2
Setting: Nigeria United States of America

Rendition Supposing Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)

The war of words between right and left collapsed into a shooting war, and raged between the high-technology weapons on each side, devastating cities and overrunning the countryside.

At the close of Empire, political scientist and government adviser Averell Torrent had maneuvered himself into the presidency of the United States. And now that he has complete power at home, he plans to expand American imperial power around the world.

Opportunity comes quickly. There's a deadly new plague in Africa, and it is devastating the countryside and cities. President Torrent declares American solidarity with the victims, but places all of Africa in quarantine until a vaccine is found or the disease burns itself out. And he sends Captain Bartholomew Coleman, Cole to his friends, to run the relief operations and protect the American scientists working on identifying the virus. If Cole and his team can avoid dying of the plague, or being cut down by the weapons of fearful African nations, they might do some good. Or they might be out of the way for good.

Present Regarding Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)

Title:Hidden Empire (Empire #2)
Author:Orson Scott Card
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 336 pages
Published:December 22nd 2009 by Tor Books (first published October 21st 2009)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Thriller

Rating Regarding Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)
Ratings: 3.64 From 3409 Users | 322 Reviews

Criticize Regarding Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)
Tonight's edition of "I Read Them So You Don't Have To": Hidden Empire, Orson Scott Card.Card is a serviceable storyteller, as seen by earlier books, but if you read his Worldwatch columns, this is pretty much the fictionalized version of those, topped with a liberal dose of what my SO calls Risk fanfic. If you're a Card purist or can stand the occasional diversions into politics and religion that mark current Card books, go ahead and read. Otherwise, probably it's best to avoid, for your blood

When I read Empire I was not impressed. I was even a little let down. I expect more from Card than writing an adaption novel for a video game release. I thought it was too much of a video game, centered on cool gadgets and scenery. The characters were fine but were not developed as fully as his usually would be. The story was fine, but didn't spark me to think the way his stories usually do. He fixed that with the sequel. It's not my favorite Card book, or even in the "must read if you want to

I read this book because I read the first in the series (Empire) and I thought that surely the second would redeem some of the atrocities of the first. I was wrong.The series can be summed up thus:Military = Conservatives = Good guysIntellectuals = Liberals = SATANThe characters are two-dimensional to the point of sometimes being silly and the action is pretty far-fetched and full of coincidences that just don't happen in real life.The characters in both books watch only Fox News because "it's

These Empire books strain my admiration for Card. He does a poor job of being balanced and presenting a truly even view of opposing world views. His clear disdain for climate change theories slips in regularly, as does his stereotyped view of liberals as just Marxists who are too stupid to know they are Marxists. Given the humane and loving views that underpin and add richness to the best of the Ender novels, this limited view of those who disagree with him politically is disturbing and a big

So basically, my overall feelings about the book were pretty good. I liked the action and the futuristic setting of an end times era was quite interesting. Basically what happened was there was a disease outbreak in Africa which was passed on from monkeys to humans, 1/3 of everyone who caught in died. The U.S. government then sent troops to quarantine the disease from getting out of Africa and many U.S. citizens boarded planes to help the sick and suffering through their disease. Though 1 thing

Hidden Empire, aka, OSC Takes Writing Lessons from Dan Brown. And also, the movie Outbreak.I shall sum-up this book in one sentence: "Do the ends justify the means?" That's the entire point of this book. The idea for the story was ok, but the execution was bland at best, and often ventured into horrible territory. Having the benefit of reading this on my Kindle, I highlighted passages whenever they jolted me out of the book, and I've noted the main ones below.1. So-and-so said and other

So this story continues in the same world set up in Empire and I think that makes it better then the first. Now instead of building up it draws from the foundations already established and in my opinion improves upon itself. The story deals with many different plots and threads but ballances them well in my opinion. In the first book it dealt with what if this unknown things happens and deals more with conspiracies and politics. Hidden Empire draws the focus more what is right. Sure there is


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