Free Download Books La ciudad y los perros

Define Books As La ciudad y los perros

Original Title: La ciudad y los perros
ISBN: 8466309152 (ISBN13: 9788466309158)
Edition Language: Spanish
Characters: Ricardo Arana “El Esclavo”, "El Jaguar", Alberto Fernández “El Poeta”, "El Boa”, Porfirio Cava "El Serrano", "El Rulos”, Brigadier Arróspide, "El Negro" Vallano, Teniente Gamboa, "Pies Dorados", Paulino "El Injerto"
Setting: Lima(Peru)
Literary Awards: Premio Biblioteca Breve (1962), Premio de la Crítica de narrativa castellana (1964)
Free Download Books La ciudad y los perros
La ciudad y los perros Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 446 pages
Rating: 4.12 | 15598 Users | 702 Reviews

List About Books La ciudad y los perros

Title:La ciudad y los perros
Author:Mario Vargas Llosa
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 446 pages
Published:November 1st 2000 by Punto de Lectura (first published 1962)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. Spanish Literature. Cultural. Latin American

Chronicle Concering Books La ciudad y los perros

En 1962, La ciudad y los perros recibía el Premio Biblioteca Breve. Así comenzaba la andadura literaria de esta obra considerada una de las mejores novelas en español del siglo XX.Los personajes de La ciudad y los perros, un grupo de jóvenes que se «educan» en una disciplina militar implacable y violenta, aprenden a sobrevivir en un ambiente en el que están muy arraigados los prejuicios raciales y las diferencias entre clases sociales y económicas; donde todos se muestran como no son en realidad y la transgresión de las normas establecidas parece ser la única salida.

Rating About Books La ciudad y los perros
Ratings: 4.12 From 15598 Users | 702 Reviews

Critique About Books La ciudad y los perros
I was curious to read something written by the Nobel awarded writer Mario Vargas Llosa and, at a friend's recommendation, I picked the author's first novel - "La ciudad y los perros".The plot is about life in a military school from Lima, in the second half of the past century. It describes the evolution from adolescence to manhood, transformation that unfortunately happens in an environment where you are forced to make a choice: either being the author either being the victim of violent behavior

First published in 1963, The Time of the Hero made the 2010 Nobel Prize for Literature winner, a Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa as a new promising novelist. It is about the life of graduating cadets at a military school in Lima, Peru. Llosa's narration is so vivid as he uses his words very carefully and takes pain in describing his characters and the scenarios. You will have the feeling of being one of the cadets: walking in the same corridor, performing the same drills or even standing in the dark

I read my first book by this author in 2002. The Green House, his second novel, was one of the challenging literary novels I was starting to read in those years, having somewhat satisfied my desire for trashy, escape reading. I was rekindling my aspirations as a writer and wanting to read Literature. It was around that time that I invented My Big Fat Reading Project. Vargas Llosa was one of the celebrated authors of the Latin American boom and went on to win the Nobel Prize in 2010. The Time of

His room was in darkness, and as he lay on the bed, he dreamed with his eyes open. It had only taken a few seconds for the world he had abandoned to open its doors and receive him again without question, as if the place he once occupied among them had been jealously guarded for him during those three years. He had regained his future.

Reading this masterpiece by Mario Vargas Llosa, my favorite novelist from Latin America, I felt the hate (like, seriously felt it! Goosebumps!)... the pages fly pulsating so vividly I can't believe I'm reading a work of fiction... The most electrifying reading experience for me, and yes, more stirring than "The Feast of the Goat" in my opinion. The scenes at the military academy and the cadets' misdemeanor and how they dealt about the crime and the outcome, the bullying, the military officials

An extraordinary book of dizzying violence and humanity, written with an amazing technical prowess (Vargas Llosa was only 26!) and an even deeper knowledge and respect for human beings and their fallacies and redemption

This coming-of-age tale was so realistic - and its portrayal of the Leoncio Prado Military Academy so unflattering - the Peruvian Army bought up every available copy to burn the books. Vargas-Llosa's main character, Alberto, the jaded "Poet" cadet, is relatable and multi-faceted. Other characters, especially the slippery cadet nicknamed the Jaguar, are realistic and intriguing. The Nobel Prize-winning author's descriptions are vivid, the setting of Lima is unique, and his plot is


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