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Original Title: Market Forces
ISBN: 0345457749 (ISBN13: 9780345457745)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Chris Faulkner
Setting: London, England(United Kingdom)
Literary Awards: Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominee (2005), John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (2005)
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Market Forces Paperback | Pages: 464 pages
Rating: 3.59 | 6598 Users | 354 Reviews

Description During Books Market Forces

A coup in Cambodia. Guns to Guatemala. For the men and women of Shorn Associates, opportunity is calling. In the superheated global village of the near future, big money is made by finding the right little war and supporting one side against the other–in exchange for a share of the spoils. To succeed, Shorn uses a new kind of corporate gladiator: sharp-suited, hard-driving gunslingers who operate armored vehicles and follow a Samurai code. And Chris Faulkner is just the man for the job.

He fought his way out of London’s zone of destitution. And his kills are making him famous. But unlike his best friend and competitor at Shorn, Faulkner has a side that outsiders cannot see: the side his wife is trying to salvage, that another woman–a porn star turned TV news reporter–is trying to exploit. Steeped in blood, eyed by common criminals looking for a shot at fame, Faulkner is living on borrowed time. Until he’s given one last shot at getting out alive. . . .

Present Based On Books Market Forces

Title:Market Forces
Author:Richard K. Morgan
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 464 pages
Published:March 1st 2005 by Ballantine Books (first published March 1st 2004)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Cyberpunk. Thriller

Rating Based On Books Market Forces
Ratings: 3.59 From 6598 Users | 354 Reviews

Assess Based On Books Market Forces
The rising power of corporations has been a strong theme in SF since the '80s. It was a key element in cyberpunk and it's central to this novel. This isn't cyberpunk, though - cyber is largely irrelevant, certainly not a key theme or even an important part of the world building. Instead, Morgan extrapolates the trends of corporate power in the international political arena (in fairly conventional ways) and innovates by doing the same for corporate internal politics. These ideas are extreme and

It would be wrong to say I was totally frustrated with this book. I did finish it, which means it passed the marginal test of "do I even want to bother finishing this?" Well, I finished it. It failed, however, the other marginal test of "should I have bothered finishing this?"There was one significant strike against it from step one: for whatever the reason, the publisher decided that they would give the book the same style, cover, and font as Morgan's other two books: 'Altered Carbon,' and

I really wanted to like this book. I find that (so far) mostly I'm not a fan of Mr. Morgan. The same goes here.There is a pretty standard Science Fiction Trope (there's that word, the word "trope" is so over used it's becoming a "trope" or possibly trite...Oh well). Anyway there's a sci/fi trope where the giant corporations have taken over and they are the government. I assume this started with those who were afraid of unrestricted capitalism. Well this one is the king/queen and all other

What an odd book. Richard Morgan's books always feature heavily on violence and sex, but the Kovacs series seem to hang together a little more coherently than Market Forces - all the way through, there's a sense of viciousness and disgust snarling from the page but I really can't understand about what!The book tells the story of Chris Faulkner, a Mad Max/Gordon Gecko hybrid who works in Conflict Investment for the Shorn Corporation. The CI arm of the firm bank-roll paramilitary organisations and

The fifth star goes for the last 100-150 pages. And because such a fucked up ending deserves them. I mean, that's not a way to end a book if you want your readers to be happy and at ease. But we readers like this sort of literary betrayal, I suppose. Anyway, the main flaw of Market Forces is that the first 200 pages or so are slow (this is not the best adjective, but I didn't find a better one). And by slow I mean that there are too many small things happening, lots of information being thrown

From the Internet Book Review coming up to Christmas, the biggest book receiving (and giving) period of the year for me, so in the month of December I enter into a kind of self-imposed book buying exile. All my friends and family have by now received a list of books Id like, if theyre going to be kind enough to be buying books for me. However, Im not going to stop reading, so I go back to my bookshelf and pick a few books to re-read before Christmas,

Wow, harsh ending. I like this author a lot, I love his gritty and harsh anti-hero type characters and the blow 'em up, beat 'em up, shoot 'em up worlds they live in. Chris Faulkner is my least favorite of his characters so far, not because he is a complete and utter bastard but more because he has these qualms of conscience, like he's a good guy who didn't mean for any of this to happen and isn't quite sure how it did. The idea of 'Langley' now being contract killers was highly amusing,


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